A mong those factors anomaly of uncinate process, middle turbinate and nasal septum were more important.
钩突 、 中鼻甲及鼻中隔的解剖结构变异为主要的影响因素.
——期刊摘选Objective : To study the diagnosis of obstinate epistaxis of small vessel expansion of nasal septum managementfrequency.
]目的: 研究鼻中隔小血管扩张性顽固性鼻出血的诊治方法.
互联网Objective: To prevent theperforation of nasal septum due to button battery lodging in nose.
目的: 探讨预防鼻腔扣式电池异物并发鼻中隔穿孔的方法.
互联网Objective: To evaluate the effect of submucous correction of nasal septum in treating chronic sinusitis.
摘要目的: 探讨单纯鼻中隔矫正术在治疗慢性鼻窦炎的疗效.
互联网Should rhinitis notice with nasal septum flat music which are written?
互联网Objective Discussing the curative to treat the upper and posterior nasal septum deviation.
互联网Objective To discuss the treating programme of the serious deviation of nasal septum led to nose - bleeding.
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